E-mail list of INASAN

Earls' AstroPage

Astronomy site for beginners.

Earth and Sky

This is a weekly on-line publication for the public to learn more about Earth science and astronomy. It consists of transcripts of radio programs aired daily on the Earth & Sky Radio Series, which is hosted by Deborah Byrd and Joel Block. The series broadcasts on more than 500 stations in the United States and on a variety of other stations across the globe.

Earth Observation Science group, Leicester University ( EOS group )

Find out about the varied research projects and teaching activities of the EOS group at Leicester University. See the satellite image gallery, learn about the ATSR space-bourne instruments and read about the successful MSc course in Earth Observation Science.


EARTHWORKS is a world leading on-line database of career opportunities for: space/planetary scientists, remote sensing/GIS staff, geocomputing specialists, climate/atmospheric scientists, oceanographers, geophysicists, seismologists, environmental scientists, geoscientists, geotechnical engineers, petroleum scientists/engineers and hydrologists/hydrogeologists in the academic, space, water, upstream oil and gas, civil and mining sectors with particular focus on North America, the UK, Europe, the Pacific Rim and Africa.

East Sussex Astronomical Society ( ESAS )

East Tennessee State University - Department of Physics and Astronomy ( ETSU Physics and Astronomy )

East Tennessee State University is part of the SARA telescope consortium, operating the 0.9 meter SARA optical telescope on Kitt Peak.
Research interests at East Tennessee State University include Mira variables, the interstellar medium in galaxies, and galaxy interactions.

Eastbay Astronomical Society

The Eastbay Astronomical Society, founded in 1924, is associated with the Chabot Observatory & Science Center in Oakland, California.


Echelle Reduction Manual for IRAF Users ( Lick Obs. Tech. Report #74 )

The manual describes the general IRAF packages, tasks, and parameters necessary to calibrating, extracting, and viewing data taken with echelle spectrographs. It is intended as a beginner's guide to IRAF echelle data reduction. Many task and task parameters are explained in detail and an example reduction from start to finish is presented. Specific concerns and settings for the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph are addressed, but these apply to echelle spectrographs in general. Optimal extractions and scattered light removal techniques are addressed.

Echelle Scattered Light Algorithm ( HAMSCATT )

HAMSCATT is a FORTRAN 77 module that interoperates with IRAF via the IMFORT library. It is publicly available. The distributed is a compressed tar file that contains the HAMSCATT software described in Churchill and Allen (PASP, 107, 193).

Eclipmania Eclipse Website ( Eclipses, Astronomy & Satellite information )

Everything you need to know about eclipses of the sun and moon including upcoming eclipse data, astronomy events and satellite information

Eclipse magazine

French amateur's magazine [in French].

Ecole Normale Superieure - Departement de Physique ( ENS )

Physics departement of the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS). [in French]


The Eddington mission was proposed in early 2000 to ESA in response to the ``Call for mission proposals for two flexi-missions''. The proposal was submitted by an international scientific team led by I.W. Roxburgh (Astronomy Unit, QMW, Univ. of London, UK), J. Christensen-Dalsgaard (University of Aarhus, Denmark) and F. Favata (ESA/ESTEC). The mission has two complementary scientific aims, to produce the data on stellar oscillations necessary for understanding the interior structure and evolution of stars, and to detect and characterize habitable planets around other stars.

Educational Observatory Institute ( EO )

The Educational Observatory (incorporating one or more ATFs), when completed, will provide K-12 students with an opportunity to do real science (observational astronomy) from their classrooms via the internet.

Educational Space Simulations Project ( ESSP )

The Educational Space Simulations Project is a web site where teachers and students can retrieve information about coordinating and conducting their own space simulation. Activity guides, launch and landing scripts, software, and much more is available for free download.

EDWARDS, Suzan ( UMass )

Effelsberg Radio Telescope ( MPIfR )

The Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR) operates the world's largest movable radio telescope, a 100-m single-dish near Effelsberg, 40 km south of Bonn, Germany.

Ege University - Astronomy and Space Sciences Department ( Izmir, Turkey )

EGRET, Daniel ( CDS )

EICHHORN, Guenther ( ADS )

EINET Astronomy Listing ( EINET )

Einstein Data Archive ( SAO, Cambridge, MA )

The Einstein Observatory was a satellite based imaging X-ray telescope in operation from November 1978 to April 1981. The focal plane detectors included two Imaging Proportional Counters (IPC), three High Resolution Imagers, an Objective Grating Spectrometer (OGS), a Focal Plane Crystal Spectrometer (FPCS) and a Solid State Spectrometer (SSS). The most commonly used instrument was the IPC, which made nearly 4000 observations of astronomical sources. This page gives information about the Einstein data archive, and about access to Einstein Data. [under reconstruction]

Einstein Observatory The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):

Einstein Observatory ( HEAO-2 )

The second of NASA's three High Energy Astrophysical Observatories, HEAO 2, renamed Einstein after launch, was the first fully imaging X-ray telescope put into space. The few arcsecond angular resolution, the field-of-view of tens of arcminutes, and a sensitivity several 100 times greater than any mission before it provided, for the first time, the capability to image extended objects, diffuse emission, and to detect faint sources. It was also the first X-ray NASA mission to have a Guest Observer program. Overall, it was a key mission in X-ray astronomy and its scientific outcome completely changed the view of the X-ray sky.

Einstein On-Line Service - Einline

Contains an extensive set of Radio Astronomy catalogs.

EITTER, Joseph ( Iowa State Univ. )

Electronic Preprints project

A NASA Applied Information Systems Research Program grant funded project for indexing a distributed set of astronomical documents, including preprints.


Quasar absorption lines.

Elsevier Science publishers

General Information from Elsevier Science: The Elsevier Science Internet Journal and Book Catalogue, Information on TULIP - The University Licensing Program, About Elsevier Science. Electronic Journals: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems: WWW '94 Conference Proceedings. Current Awareness and Archival Services: ECONbase, Nuclear Physics Electronic. Other Services: Elsevier Science Gopher Server, Elsevier Science FTP Server.

Employment Opportunities at the National Optical Astronomy Observatories ( AURA, NOAO )

Employment Opportunities at the Space Telescope Science Institute ( STScI )

Endless Boundaries

Detailed and easy-to-understand information on the Sun, the nine planets, and several of the planets' moons.

ENGLISH, Jayanne ( Space Telescope Science Institute )

Includes some Canadian Galactic Plane Survey press releases, CV, and link to the Hubble Heritage Project.
Research interest: behaviour of gas in galaxies, including the Milky Way.

ERARD, Stephane ( IAS )

Erciyes University, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department

Eric Howard ( UMASS )

Eric V. Linder ( UMASS )

ERICKSON, Neal ( UMass )

EROS Experiment

In this (still experimental) server you may find general informations as well as the latest publications/preprints from the EROS collaboration. Our main topic is the search for microlensing amplification of the luminosities of LMC/SMC stars.

ESA - Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station ( ESA - VILSPA: IUE, ISO )

General information on the ESA Satellite Tracking Station and on the projects supported at Villafranca: IUE, Marecs and ISO (in the near future). The service includes links to other ESA Establishments.

ESA Data Dissemination Network ( at ESRIN )

Information Retrieval Service, EMITS, DODIS; Prototype International Directory; European Space Information System; Columbus Users Information System; ERS-1 European Central Facility; ERS-1 User Services; and more ...

Escambia Amateur Astronomers Association ( EAAA )

This site contains educational resources and information for the use of amateur astronomers of all ages.

ESKRIDGE, Paul ( Ohio State University )

ESO / ST-ECF Data Archive

European Southern Observatory / Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility

ESO Bulletin Board

Midas; Computer; Info; Garching; La Silla; Sest; Pinboard

ESO Imaging Survey ( EIS )

During 1997-1998 ESO carries out a deep, multicolor imaging survey using EMMI on the NTT.

ESO Libraries

Eso Nearby Abell Cluster Survey ( ENACS )

ENACS is a database (Redshifts, positions, magnitudes) for more than 100 Nearby Abell Clusters

ESO Photo Gallery - Astronomical Images

ESO Preprints Database ( Bibliographic catalogue )

The catalogue of preprints available from the ESO Library includes entries from institutes world-wide.

ESO Publications

Includes access to ESO Messenger, ESO Scientific and Technical Reports, Star Formation Newsletter, ESO Reports, ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings.

ESO Science Archive Facility

You can search the following ESO Databases: NTT EMMI/SUSI, Science Archive Observation Programme Schedule, Seeing monitor data for La Silla, Extinction coefficients for La Silla, Spectral Plates, Preprints, Publications of the ESO User's Community.
You can search the following Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Databases: HST Science Exposures, HST Abstracts & Proposals, HST Abstracts - full text, HST Publications, FOS/GHRS observations by target class.
Other Services at the ESO/ST-ECF Archive: Astronomical Catalogues, The Digitized Sky Survey, The HST Guide Star Catalogue, The ESO Sky Calendar tool, A review of today's data archive technology.

ESO Slice Project: A Galaxy Redshift Survey in the South Galactic Pole Region ( ESP )

Official Page of the ESO Slice Project. People can already get useful information. The final data will be available directly from this page.

ESO Vacancy Announcements

ESO-MIDAS Courier ( Newsletter for ESO-MIDAS User )

The ESO-MIDAS Courier is published twice per year by the MIDAS group of the European Southern Observatory.

ESO-MIDAS Users Guide ( Overview )

ESO-MIDAS is the acronym for the European Southern Observatory - Munich Image Data Analysis System which is developed and maintained by the European Southern Observatory. The MIDAS system provides general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis on astronomical applications including imaging and special reduction packages for ESO instrumentation at La Silla. Volume A describes the basic MIDAS system with all general purpose facilities such as MIDAS Control Language, all available commands, data input/output (including plotting and image display), table system (MIDAS Data Base). Site specific features are given in an appendix. Volume B describes how to use the MIDAS system for astronomical data reduction. Application packages for special types of data or reductions (e.g., long slit and echelle spectra, object search, or crowded field photometry) are discussed assuming intensity calibrated data. A set of appendices gives a detailed description of the reduction of raw data from ESO instruments. Volume C gives the detailed description for all commands available. This volume is not available to remote users as the complete volume as it is accessed via the MIDAS GUI XHelp.

ESPEY, Brian R. ( JHU )

ESRIN - European Space Agency ( ESRIN )

ESRIN is one of the four establishements of the European Space Agency. ESRIN's main activities are centered on the acquisition, archiving and dissemination of data from Earth Observation missions in particular ERS-1 for which it is responsible for operating the ground infrastructure needed. ESRIN's main function is as the Agency's data handling and dissemination centre, being at the forefront of technologically advanced information systems.

Estacion Astronomica Rio Grande ( EARG )

Estación de Observación Solar / Solar Observational Station ( EOS )

The Astronomy Area of CIF-US (Center for Research on Physics/Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo Sonora, Mexico), operates EOS (Estacion de Observacion Solar/Solar Observational Station), one of the two solar observatories in the country with an observational program of active regions at the continuum, and H-Alpha and Calcium lines, through a two-heliostat system and a 15 cm refractor telescope.

ESTEC - European Space Agency ( ESA/ESTEC )

European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, one of the three centers of the European Space Agency (ESA).

ESTEC - Vacant Scientific Positions in Astrophysics ( ESTEC, European Space Agency )

ETH Institute of Astronomy ( ETH Zurich )

The Institute of Astronomy at ETH Zurich includes the three following research groups: Solar Physics; Stellar and Interstellar Physics; Computer Simulations and Data Processing.

Eugene Astronomical Society ( EAS on the WWW )

The Eugene Astronomical Society in Eugene, Oregon provides access to information about Astronomy, telescopes, meeting information, and members. Also available are links to Web formatted versions of it's newsletter, 'Io'

Euro-Asian Astronomical Society ( EAAS )

The Euro-Asian Astronomical Society was created in April 1990.
The Society performs its activities mainly in New Independent States on the territory of the Former Soviet Union and surrounding countries. The main goals of the society are to maintain the development of astronomy and to reinforce scientific contacts between astronomers of the former Soviet Union and their colleagues all over the world.

European Association for Astronomy Education ( EAAE )

The purpose of the EAAE is to improve and promote scientific astronomical education all over Europe in schools of all levels and other institutions involved in the teaching of astronomy.

European Association for Research in Astronomy

EARA is an Associated European Laboratory for promoting research and collaboration at its five member laboratories:

·      Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), Tenerife, Spain

·      Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), France

·      Institute of Astronomy (IoA), University of Cambridge , UK

·      Sterrewacht Leiden , University of Leiden , The Netherlands

·      Max-Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik (MPA), Garching, Germany.

European Astronomical Society ( EAS )

The European Astronomical Society is an association founded in 1990. The purpose of the society is to contribute to and promote the advancement of astronomy, in its broadest sense, in Europe, by all suitable means and in particular:
a) by providing an independent forum for the discussion of subjects of common interest.
b) by providing means whereby action can be taken on those matters which appear desirable to be handled at the European level.

European Incoherent SCATtter

The EISCAT Scientific Association is an international research organisation operating two incoherent scatter radar systems, at UHF (931 MHz) and VHF (224 MHz), in Northern Scandinavia.

European Large Area ISO Survey ( ELAIS )

ELAIS is a European collaborative venture to survey around thirteen square degrees of the sky using the Infrared Space Observatory. It is the largest single open time project of the ISO mission and will produce maps and source lists at 7, 15,90 and 175 microns

European Northern Observatory ( ENO )

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and its Observatories (the Observatorio de Teide, on Tenerife, and the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, on La Palma) make up a Spanish research and observational centre, which, since 1979, has been open to the international scientific community and effectively constitute the European Northern Observatory (ENO).

European Physical Society ( EPS )

The European Physical Society is an organisation of more than 70 000 European Physicists. Since its foundation in 1968 in Florence, Italy, it has been dedicated to the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics.

European Pulsar Network Data Archive ( EPN data archive )

The European Pulsar Network is maintaining an archive of published data: the database consists largely of pulse profiles but may in the future contain pulse time-of-arrival measurements.

European Science Foundation ( ESF )

The European Science Foundation acts as a catalyst for the development of science by bringing together leading scientists and research funding agencies to debate, plan and implement pan-European initiatives.

European Southern Observatory - Munich Image Data Analysis System ( ESO-MIDAS )

The European Southern Observatory, established in 1962, operates astronomical observatories at La Silla (600 km north of Santiago de Chile) and at Paranal (130 km south of Antofagasta). ESO's headquarters are in Garching, just north of Munich, Germany. ESO is supported by: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. In Europe and in Chile, ESO has a combined scientific, technical, adminstrative and visiting staff of around 400.

European Southern Observatory Observing Schedules

European Southern Observatory ( ESO )

ESO, the European Southern Observatory, is a multinational organisation of eight European member states. It operates astronomical observatories in Chile and has its headquarters in Munich, Germany.

European Space Agency Astrophysics Division

An overview of the activities of the Astrophysics Division, information of the projects, location, etc.: local information - staff, general news, job vacancies, meetings and symposia, astrophysics research activities at ESTEC, ESA astronomy project activities, astronomical data archives. Links to several sites likely to be useful to astronomers are also provided.

European Space Agency ( ESA )

Main access points are:

·      European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

o     Astrophysics Division

·      European Space Operations Centre (ESOC)

·      European Space Research Institute (ESRIN)

·      European Astronaut Centre (EAC)

·      Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station (VILSPA)

European Space Operations Centre ( ESA/ESOC )

ESOC is the satellite control centre of the European Space Agency (ESA). It is responsible for the operations of all satellites and related ground stations and communications network.

European VLBI Network ( EVN )

The European VLBI network (EVN) home page includes general information on the EVN, including contact adresses around the network, Call for Proposals, the EVN PC page, EVN and global VLBI scheduling, VLBINFO account, EVN experiment feedback facility, Network monitoring reports and other technical documents, the EVN Newsletter archive and a description of the type of science that can be investigated with the EVN array.

European X-ray Observatory ( EXOSAT at GSFC. NASA )

The European Space Agency's X-ray Observatory, EXOSAT, was operational from May 1983 to April 1986. During that time, EXOSAT made 1780 observations of a wide variety of objects, including active galactic nuclei, stellar coronae, cataclysmic variables, white dwarfs, X-ray binaries, clusters of galaxies, and supernova remnants. The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):

European X-ray Observatory ( EXOSAT at ESTEC, ESA )

The Exosat satellite was operational from May 1983 until April 1986 and in that time made 1780 observations in the X-ray band of most classes of astronomical object. The payload consisted of three instruments that produced spectra, images and light curves in various energy bands.

Europhysics News

Evansville Astronomical Society ( EAS )

Meetings are held monthly at the Wahsiedler Observatory in Lynnville Park, Lynnville Indiana. The Observatory houses a 14" SCT and a 12.5" Newtonian Reflector.

Event Inventor ( Astronomy and math activities using cross staff & quadrant )

Have FUN learning about the basics of SCIENCE, MATH and TECHNOLOGY while doing INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES.

EVN/JIVE Symposium No. 3 ( On-line Preprints )

The oral contributions presented at the 3rd EVN/JIVE symposium are available on-line (as compressed postcript files).

EXOSAT database, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands ( telnet )

ExoScience NEWS ( exoScience Space News )

exoScience provides daily astronomy news in addition to more comprehensive features on major astronomy events.

Expanding Your Universe 2001 ( EYU2001 )

Exploration of Neighboring Planetary Systems ( ExNPS )

NASA's plan for the Exploration of Neighboring Planetary Systems (ExNPS) consists of a long term program of continuous scientific discovery and technological development leading ultimately to the detection and characterization of Earth-like planets around nearby stars.

Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere

A collection of more than eighty linked files, forming a non-mathematical introduction to magnetism, plasmas, particles of space and their motion, and the study of the Earth's magnetic environment in space. Also covers the Sun and solar activity, magnetospheres of other planets, and amny other topics. the exposition follows a historical framework, and includes numerous historical side-excursions. Also includes a long review (more technical) "A Brief History of Magnetospheric Physics During the Space Age, an article "Birth of a Radiation Belt", a guide for teachers, a historical timeline, a question-and-answer collection and a template for a folded paper model of the magnetosphere.


The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception with over 500 interactive "hands on" exhibits. Each year more than 600,000 visitors come to the Exploratorium, over 95,000 students and teachers come on field trips, and more than 2000 teachers attend professional development programs which focus on inquiry-based teaching and learning in the K-12 classroom

Explore Space Control Center

Explore Space is an educational resource to astronomy and space.

Extragalactic Cepheid Database ( ECD )

The Extragalactic Cepheid Database (ECD) is a project of the LEDA team. It is made up of all known classical Extragalactic Cepheids. It presents 3550 magnitude measurements on more than 1300 Cepheids in about 40 galaxies, as well as light curves quality flags, and is regularly updated. It also allows to plot suitable PL-relations and to compute distance moduli based on both V- and I-bands Hipparcos PL-relations.

EXtrasolar Planet Observational Research Team ( EXPORT )

EXPORT is a consortium of European astronomers using the telescopes on La Palma and Tenerife to study extra-solar planets, as well as the formation and evolution of protoplanetary systems.

Extrasolar Planet Search ( Berkeley )

Geoff Marcy and Paul Butler site at San Francisco State University.

Extrasolar Planet Search Programmes ( Geneva Observatory )

Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia

This resource, maintained by Jean Schneider (Observatoire de Paris), provides updated information about the search for extrasolar planets.
It includes a
Catalog of Extrasolar Planets and a list of meetings.

Extreme UltraViolet Explorer (EUVE) Archive ( at CEA Berkeley )

The EUVE Archive at the Center for EUV Astrophysics became operational immediately following the launch of the EUVE satellite, in the summer of 1992, and was established to archive and distribute EUVE-related materials to the scientific community.
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) has been designated as an alternative EUVE Archive, with the prime responsibility of maintaining the existing IRAF-based analysis software and acting as an interface for optical and ultraviolet astronomers. The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):

Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) Archive ( at STScI )

Extreme UltraViolet Explorer (EUVE) Archive ( at HEASARC )

A copy of the EUVE Final Archive is at HEASARC for the service of the community of high-enregy astrophysicists.

Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer ( EUVE )

The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) was a NASA-funded astronomy mission which operated in the relatively unexplored extreme ultraviolet (70-760 Å) band. The science payload, which has been designed and built at the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, consisted of three grazing incidence scanning telescopes and an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrometer/deep survey instrument.

Eyes on the Skies - Robotic Solar Viewing Telescope

Internet-accessible robotic solar telescope.